About the MIOF-154CC
Advanced Sensor MIOF-154CC Series sensor is a media isolated pressure sensor designed for corrosive gases and liquids compatible with stainless 316L. The sensor design utilizes silicon oil to transfer pressure from the 316L diaphragm to the sensing element. The rugged design is compatible with a wide range of harsh media including refrigerants, compressed air, and hydraulic fluids. The series is powered using a constant current and when configured as in the Application Note, the integrated gain set resistor will ensure sensor field interchangeability to within 1%. The design’s superior performance provides low thermal errors across a wide temperature range of 0 to 70°C.
Available in gage and absolutes pressures with a flexible O-ring pressure port these sensors are ideal for OEM customer with ranges up to 500PSI.

(MIOF) Media Isolated Oil Filled Technology
Media Isolated, Oil Filled, 19mm Diameter Sensor, Constant Current
Pressure NonLinearity
±0.10 %FSS
±0.25 %FSS (Over 1 Year)
Hysteresis & Repeatabillity
±0.05 %FSS (Typical)
Rise Time
0.1 mS
Operating Temperature
-40 to 125 ̊C
Compensated Temperature
0 to 70 ̊C
Thermal Error, Offset
±0.4 %FSS (Typical)
Thermal Error, Span
± 0.4 %FSS
75 to 150 mV
±1.0 mV
Bridge Resistance
2.0 to 6.5 kΩ
Ribbon Cable, Molex Conn.
Maximum Ratings
Storage Temperature
-50 to 125C
Over Pressure
4x Range
Media Compatibility
Liquids & Gases compatible with 316L
Model Number Configuration

Mechanical Dimensions

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