Pressure Sensor use in Ventilator Applications
Pressure sensors are used in medical ventilators to move a mixture of air and oxygen into and out of the patient’s lungs. In its simplest form, a modern positive pressure ventilator consists of a compressible air reservoir or turbine, air and oxygen supplies, a set of valves and tubes, and a disposable or reusable "patient circuit". The air reservoir is pneumatically compressed several times a minute to deliver room-air, or in most cases, an air/oxygen mixture to the patient. If a turbine is used, the turbine pushes air through the ventilator, with a flow valve adjusting pressure to meet patient-specific parameters. When over pressure is released, the patient will exhale passively due to the lungs' elasticity, the exhaled air being released usually through a one-way valve within the patient circuit called the patient manifold.

Sensor Functions & Design Criteria
Monitoring Gas Supply Pressure Sensor
-Gage Measurement, Pressure Range 0 ~100G
-Top Port Configuration
Monitor Exhalation/Inhalation Flow Pressure Sensor
-Differential Measurement, Pressure Range 0~2/0~5 PSI D
-Back Side Pressure Entry
-Dual Side Port Configuration