News & Publications
Advanced Sensors announces the newly designed PCB mountable loop powered 4-20mA tranmsitter. Specifically designed for measuring liquid fluid levels, this Multi Chip Technology (MCT) 4-20mA Series utilizes a back side pressure mounted elastomeric silicon bonded MEMS sensor design with an advanced signal processor to provide a 2 wire loop powered output for the process industrial market. The smaller footprint and lower cost ceramic design makes it the ideal choice for cost critcal applications. .........
Advanced Sensors Multi Chip Technology (MCT) 8 Series incorporates the latest mixed signal ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) along with a elastomeric silicon bonded MEMS sensor design to provide a high level analog output for medical, life science and pneumatic control industries. The updated design improves upon the ASCX traditional form factor and output with superior performance of across a wide temperature range of 0 to 60°C. The ASIC’s advanced design allows for the sensor output to be limited for safety critical operations .........
AVSensor's MCT-4D and 4A series offers a fully temperature compensated sensor in a small DIL package. The mixed signal ASIC and advanced stability sensor provide the lowest overall errors for medical and life science industries. Offered in gage, absolute, differential and compound pressure ranges and the modular port design makes for a flexible and versatile product for.....

AVSensors releases new production equipment into its facility in ASIA. The ASM 820's multiple head capability dispenses and places die simultaneously. This new equipment will drmatically increase production capability.
AVSensor released it's newest sensor for the HVAC market. The HVAC-211 is a two wire 4-20mA transmitter idesigned to measure ultra low differential pressures in a wall mounted pack. With front side pressure ports and simple screw terminal for electrical connections this product is perfect for the HVAC .....